The Full Stack Mobile App Development Course


The Full Stack Mobile Development Course

This is a Full Stack Mobile Development course. In this course, you will master both frontend and backend skills by building Mobil App and complex real-world projects like Instagram, Facebook, and Duolingo.

After completing this course, you will

Build portfolio-ready mobile apps like Instagram and Duolingo

Be confident in building any mobile app from zero to market.
Master cross-platform mobile development for iOS and Android with React Native
Setup a CI/CD pipeline that will automatically build and deliver your app to the market
BECOME HIREABLE and start earning a 6-figure income
Build full-stack apps with AWS Amplify
Setup an Authentication system with email and social providers like Google and Facebook.
Design and implement complex Database Systems and GrapqhQL APIs
Design and Implement an activity feed system.
Build highly scalable, secure, and cost-effective backend systems using AWS based on the industry best practices.


The best way to learn a new technology is Project Based Learning. That’s why the course will focus on hands-on experience. You are going to build projects.

The first project will be a Duolingo clone. By building it, you will learn and strengthen your React Native and JavaScript skills. This is a great start for beginners.

With the knowledge and confidence from the first project, you will build the most in-depth, end-to-end, full-stack Instagram clone out there.

Write Android and iOS apps, that look and feel native, with JavaScript.

Amplify helps front-end web and mobile developers build full-stack applications on AWS faster

Modern UI-driven approach to building apps
Improved app performance with built-in support for backend management.


In this course you also learn how to build Android Apps using Kotlin.

Kotlin is the most popular programming language for building android apps and it can also be can be used for any kind of development.

Are you trying to start a career in Android programming, but haven’t found the right way in? Do you have a great idea for an app, but don’t know how to make it a reality? Or maybe you’re just frustrated that to learn Android, you must already know Kotlin. If so, then this course is for you.

Quickly putting together a prototype of an idea, refining it, and then deciding to run with it and wire it up into a fully-fledged app, is such an exciting and rewarding process.

Kotlin is the most succinct language, and therefore is the least error-prone, which is great for beginners. Kotlin is also the most fun language, mainly because the succinctness means you can get results faster and with less code. Google considers Kotlin an official (first-class) Android language. There are some other advantages to Kotlin that make it less error-prone and less likely to make mistakes that cause crashes. We will discover the details of these advantages as we proceed.

Kotlin is an object-oriented language. This means that it uses the concept of reusable programming objects. If this sounds like technical jargon, another analogy will help. Kotlin enables us and others (like the Android API development team) to write code that can be structured based on real-world things, and here is the important part – it can be reused.

Kotlin remains one of the most widely used and fastest-growing programming languages in recent years. Developers across the globe prefer using Kotlin for a range of projects such as data science, server-side or cloud development, etc. The demand for Kotlin is on the rise and it will continue to grow in the years to come. In this post, let’s explore the top five reasons why Kotlin is a great programming language to learn in 2024.

You will learn How to Soft Launch Your App, Optimized and Monetize your App from Experts who have in business.


Bonus Courses include: Ultimate Mobile App Design Course using  Figma, a Complete Edition. You’ll learn about Material Design, the principles of color, spacing, and typography, tips and tricks, how to get design resources, and much much more. Get a life skill that’s high in demand in today’s job market, all for the price of a fancy coffee. Create beautiful apps and supercharge your career.
You’ll learn to:

   Design beautiful mobile apps;
   Use Figma for mobile app design;
   The principles of Material Design;
   Learn Figma from scratch;
   Prepare all the files for developers through a special program called Zeplin;
   How to size elements correctly on ALL phone types and sizes;
   Typography best practices;
   Where to get design resources like icons, custom graphics, photos, and more.


You will also learn to make 10 Android/iOS Mobile Applications in Python. Python is the most widely used Programming Language in the World.


You will also learn to build E-commerce Mobile App Using Flutter. In this course you will learn how to build e-commerce app using Flutter. Learning how to build an e-commerce website that lets customers order from you will give you the opportunity to build a real-world, in-demand project and will open up the door of opportunity for you to become a professional Full-Stack developer.


This is like a five in one full lifecycle mobile development course.


Who is course for?

Beginner Android Developers  

This course is great for anyone who wants to learn a new skill that’s in high demand.

Mobile app developers who want to create beautiful apps, not just functional ones.

Any designer that wants to specialize in the mobile app field, which pays very well.

Anyone who wants to get hired as a mobile app designer, either as a freelancer or as a full time job.



No programming requirements needed.  

You don’t need any previous experience. You will learn everything you need to know through the course.

At-least 4GB RAM and 9GB Available Disk Space Computer (For Android Studio).


Best Part?

Bonus Courses when you get this course:


For Nigerians  Download it Here

International Download it Here


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