Full Stack Web Development Course


Full Stack Web Development Course

This is a Full Stack Web Development Course. Both Frontend and Backend. With this course, you don’t have to take any other course on Web Development on the Internet again. This is a Complete Web Development course, the only course you need to learn to code and become a full-stack web developer. It is like Compilation 5 best premium web development courses. It is made up of the most comprehensive web development course available. Even if you have zero programming experience, this course will take you from beginners level to mastery. Here is what you will learn:

You’ll be learning the latest tools and technologies used at large companies.

You will learn everything you need to know to succeed as a web developer. The course cover a massive amount of tools and technologies, including:

For Front-End Web Development.

As a front-end developer, you are responsible for the look, feel and ultimately the design of the site. Hence you'll learn...

• HTML5. Create complex HTML forms with validations.
• CSS 3
• Flexbox
• Grid
• Bootstrap 4 and 5
•Javascript ES6. Use JavaScript variables, conditionals, loops, functions, arrays, and objects. Write Javascript functions, and understand scope and higher order functions. Master the "weird" parts of JavaScript. Write JavaScript based browser games. Create full-stack web applications from scratch;
• DOM Manipulation
• jQuery
• Bash Command Line
• Git, GitHub and Version Control.

By the end of this Front-End Web Development, you will build a clone of Wordle, an app sold to the New York Times for over a million dollars.

Backend Web Development

•Node.js. Use NodeJS to write server-side JavaScript
•NPM. Use NPM to install all sorts of useful packages
• Express.js
• APIs. Use Postman to monitor and test APIs.
• Databases
•MongoDB. Use Express and MongoDB to create full-stack JS applications
• Mongoose
• Authentication. Implement user authentication.
• Firebase
• React.js. Massive new React "expansion pack" covers, React basics, JSX, props, state, Vite, MaterialUI, hooks, useEffect, React design patterns, and more.
• Web Design. Make a beautiful, responsive photographer's portfolio page. Create a beautiful, responsive landing page for  startups.
• Deployment with GitHub Pages, Heroku and MongoDB Atlas
• Web3 Development on the Internet Computer
• Blockchain technology
• Token contract development
• NFT minting, buying and selling logic.
• Create a beautiful, responsive landing page for a startup

• Make REAL web applications using cutting-edge technologies

• Build 18+ projects, including a gigantic production application called YelpCamp. No other course walks you through the creation of such a substantial application.

By the end of this course, you will be fluently programming and be ready to make any website you can dream of.

You’ll also build a portfolio of over 32+ websites that you can show off to any potential employer.

This course is also unique in the way that it is well structured and presented. It incorporated everything you need to learn to become a Web developer. The course includes:

• Video Lectures
• Code-Alongs
• Projects
• Exercises
• Research Assignments
• Slides
• Downloads
• Readings.

In Summary, this is what you will learn when you take this course

• The ins and outs of HTML5, CSS3, and Modern JavaScript.
• Make REAL web applications using cutting-edge technologies
• Create responsive, accessible, and beautiful layouts
• Recognize and prevent common security exploits like SQL-Injection & XSS
• Continue to learn and grow as a developer, long after the course ends
• Create a blog application from scratch using Node, Express, and MongoDB.
• Create a complicated yelp-like application from scratch
• Deploy your applications and work with cloud databases
• Create static HTML and CSS portfolio sites and landing pages
• Think like a developer. Become an expert at Googling code questions!
• Create complex HTML forms with validations
• Implement full authentication from scratch!
• Use CSS Frameworks including Bootstrap 5, Semantic UI, and Bulma
• Implement responsive navbars on websites
• Use JavaScript variables, conditionals, loops, functions, arrays, and objects
• Write Javascript functions, and understand scope and higher order functions
• Master the "weird" parts of JavaScript
• Create full-stack web applications from scratch
• Manipulate the DOM with vanilla JS
• Write JavaScript based browser games
• Use Postman to monitor and test APIs
• Use NodeJS to write server-side JavaScript
• Write complex web apps with multiple models and data associations
• Write a REAL application using everything in the course
• Use Express and MongoDB to create full-stack JS applications
• Use common JS data structures like Arrays and Objects
• Master the command line interface
• Use NPM to install all sorts of useful packages
• Understand the ins and outs of HTTP requests
• Create your own Node modules
• Make a beautiful, responsive photographer's portfolio page
• Create a beautiful, responsive landing page for a startup
• Implement user authentication
• Create a beautiful animated todo list application
• Create single page applications with AJAX


Who is this Course for?

• It's perfect for complete beginners with zero experience

• This course is for anyone who wants to learn about web development, regardless of previous experience.
• It's also great for anyone who does have some experience in a few of the technologies(like HTML and CSS) but not all.
• If you want to take ONE COURSE to learn everything you need to know about web development, take this course.



A PC and access to internet

Best Part?

Bonus Course when you get this course


For Nigerians  Download it Here


International Purchase,  Download it Here  






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